Other Blog Topics
Will Codominant Stems Cause Your Tree to Break During the Next Monsoon?
When a tree has two trunks, known as codominant stems, the tree is more likely to break in extreme weather in the Anthem and Phoenix areas. We detail what to look for and how to prevent some damage in this article.
Read MoreAre Palo Verde Borers Killing Your Trees?
In this article, we will answer some of the most common questions about palo verde borers, including how to tell if they are impacting your tree and what you can do to help.
Read MoreHow to Help Your Non-Native Plants and Trees Thrive in Your Phoenix Property
If ever you caught an interest of growing non-native plants or trees in your property, you have to help them thrive in Phoenix environment. Read this article to know how plant health care can help your non-native plants and trees grow healthy.
Read MoreHow to Prevent Messy Trees from Dropping Tree Litter on Your Property
Messy trees drop seed pods, spent flowers, leaves, and twigs that clog pool filters, sprout weeds, are slippery when wet, and are a nuisance for Phoenix area residents. But there’s a simple trick to prevent leaf litter (and it doesn’t involve removing your trees).
Read MoreTree Removal in Tight Spaces: Can It Be Done?
Tree or palm removals can be difficult, dangerous, and disastrous if not executed correctly. Removing a tree requires even more skill when the tree is growing in a small area, next to a wall or building, or in any other type of…
Read MoreWhat’s Eating my Tecoma Plants?
If there has been an active monsoon season (like there has been at the time of this article being written), you might have noticed that your tecoma plants may not look as healthy as they normally do. This is thanks to a…
Read MoreIs My Ocotillo Dead?
We’ve recently had quite a bit of rain in the Phoenix and Anthem areas. Many drought-deciduous trees and plants are thriving after surviving the ongoing drought conditions. But, even with the added moisture, some plants and trees that you thought were surviving…
Read MoreMesquite Trees: Pros & Cons for Your Landscape
Mesquite trees are just as much a part of our desert environment as the iconic saguaro cactus, quail, coyotes, or any other symbol of life in the southwest. However, they certainly don’t get as much attention. Mesquite trees can either go unnoticed…
Read MoreAbout Desert Ironwood: Spring Flowers, Uses, Growth & More
Lately, we’ve been getting a lot of questions about ironwood trees, and specifically about their spring flowers. Many residents of Anthem and surrounding areas don’t recall ever seeing ironwood trees in bloom. That’s not unusual, but that’s also not the only unique…
Read MoreWhy is Sap Oozing from My Tree’s Trunk?
Spring in the Phoenix and Anthem areas can look like the desert is “waking up.” Spring flowers appear on shrubs, trees, and various forms of cactus. New, light green leaves are sprouting on trees. Local wildlife is out and about, and you’re…
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